Ensure plus vanilla Milk is full of protein, vitamins, and essential minerals for the body. It helps in building muscles and treating malnutrition, promotes post-surgical wound healing, is gluten-free, and enhances human immunity.
Ensure plus vanilla milk contains:
350 calories
16 g protein
40% of the daily value of vitamin D
25% of the daily value of vitamin A
50% of the daily value of vitamin C
50% of the daily value of vitamin E
45% of the daily value of niacin
25% of the daily value of vitamin B12 and folic acid
25% of the daily value of calcium
25% of the daily value of iron
40% of the daily value of zinc
30% of the daily value of selenium and copper
25% of the daily value of chromium and manganese
Ensure vanilla milk is used for malnourished or threatened patients through oral or tube feeding. Patients who may be at risk of malnutrition:
Poor muscle mass
Poor wound healing, such as after surgical procedures
Pulmonary rehabilitation
Acute myocardial infarction
Congestive heart failure
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Older people
ensure vanilla powder provides approximately 12.5 g protein per serving.
Milk contains 28 essential vitamins and minerals.
It provides the body with the energy needed to perform daily tasks.
It may help strengthen muscles and maintain their strength as it’s full of protein and vitamin D.
Strengthen bones due to its calcium content.
Immunity enhancement, as it is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium.
Suitable for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.
Ensure plus vanilla milk is contraindicated with galactosemia.
It's not used for intravenous injection.
Nothing should be added to milk without first referring to the doctor or pharmacist.
You should consult a doctor before taking milk with other medications, such as warfarin or vitamin K.
Keep dental hygiene well during the period of consuming the milk, because it has sugars.
Shake well before use, preferably chilled.
After opening and using, it must be refrigerated and consumed within 48 hours. If you consume it directly from the container, it must be consumed within 24 hours.
Ensure plus vanilla milk is not a substitute for proper nutrition, it is a nutritional supplement for those who suffer from malnutrition, and you should consult a doctor before getting it.