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Green Donna is an effective nutritional supplement for women who suffer from ovarian cysts, helping to treat them and enhancing pregnancy chances by containing certain nutrients, such as myo-inositol.
Green Donna dietary supplement contains:
Glutathione: 80 mg.
Arginine: 1000 mg.
Royal Jelly: 80 mg.
Myo-inositol: 650 mg.
Vitamin C: 90 mg.
Sucralose: 567 mg/kg.
Silicon dioxide (anti-cracking agent).
Orange flavor.
Green Donna is an effective dietary supplement for women. It contains my-inositol, arginine, and other nutrients, which help treat polycystic ovaries and enhance the chances of pregnancy in women with polycystic ovaries.
One Green Donna bag is used with a glass of water per day.
You should consult a doctor before taking a Green Donna supplement.
Not used in case of allergy to bee products.
The recommended dose should not be exceeded.
It's not a food substitute, it's a dietary supplement.
The doctor should be consulted before using Green Donna for pregnancy and nursing.
Must be used under doctor supervision for children older than 6 years.
Keep out of children's reach.
Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight, and at a temperature below 25 ° C.