The Nepro LP drink helps maintain kidney function, preventing deterioration in chronic kidney disease, which postpones the need for dialysis, and provides the body with nutrients it needs that support its health as well as maintaining the kidneys.
Protein: 9.94 g.
Fat: 21.34 g.
Carbohydrates: 40.77 g.
Fiber: 2.77 g.
Water: 162 g.
Taurine: 35 mg.
Carnitin: 59 mg.
Choline: 139 mg.
Vitamin A: 695 IU.
Vitamin D3: 101 IU.
Vitamin E: 11 IU.
Vitamin K1: 19 ug.
Vitamin C: 24 mg.
Folic acid: 132 micrograms.
Vitamin B1: 0.92 mg.
Vitamin B2: 1.1 mg.
Vitamin B6: 1.1 mg.
Vitamin B12: 1.9 ug.
Niacin: 5.5 mg.
Pantothenic acid: 3.5 mg.
Biotin: 20 mg.
Sodium: 176 mg.
Potassium: 251 mg.
Chloride: 205 mg.
Calcium: 161 mg.
Phosphorus: 143 mg.
Magnesium: 46 mg.
Iron: 4.2 mg.
Zinc: 4.2 mg.
Manganese: 0.46 mg.
Copper: 464 ug.
Iodine: 35 ug.
Selenium: 17 ug.
Chromium: 28 ug.
Molybedenium: 18 ug.
Nepro LP milk is used for non-dialyzed kidney patients, as it contains a small amount of protein, which slows the deterioration of renal condition.
Low in protein prevents kidney deterioration in cases of chronic kidney disease and preserves the nutritional state of the body.
Nepro LP powder contains slowly digested carbohydrates, providing the body with constant energy, and preventing blood sugar levels from rising.
Rich in calories that meet the body's energy needs (401 calories/bottle).
Complete and contains 28 vitamins and minerals to cover the body's needs.
Low sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, which is appropriate for kidney patients.
It contains omega-3 which is beneficial for heart health.
Contains a small amount of water, which is appropriate for kidney patients.
Gluten-free and lactose-free.
Nepro lower protein lp is taken through the mouth, or the feeding tube.
1 - 3 daily servings as a dietary supplement.
A sole source of nutrition is used only under the supervision of a doctor.
Shaking well before use.
After opening and using the package, place it in the refrigerator, and consume it within 24 hours, after which time any remaining content in the package should be discarded.
The patient's additional fluid needs are covered by drinking water.
It is used only under the supervision of a doctor.
Not for parenteral use.
It is contraindicated in galactosemia.
Children are not allowed to use it unless prescribed by a doctor.
Yes, Nepro LP milk is suitable for people with diabetes and kidney failure, and you'd prefer to consult a doctor to see how to get it in this case.
The main difference between them is in the amount of protein; Nepro HP contains 118% more protein per serving.
Second, Nepro HP is suitable for patients undergoing dialysis, as the protein lost during dialysis is compensated.
Nepro Lp, which is low in protein, suitable for chronic kidney disease, and nit undergoing dialysis, preserves kidney function, prevents deterioration, and delays the need for dialysis.