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This is a drug that reduces the chances of heart attacks, strokes, and some more serious cardiovascular problems. Among the most important uses of Clogril are:
Clogrel side effects
There are a number of side effects that may appear as a result of using this drug, the most prominent of which are the following:
There are some cases in which the use of this drug is prohibited to avoid complications or serious side effects
As follows:
You should avoid using the drug with alcoholic beverages.
The medicine should not be taken when driving or operating sharp machinery, as it causes drowsiness and lack of concentration.
Clogril is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug.
It is contraindicated to give the drug to children under the age of 12 years.
Clogril is contraindicated in patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency.
This medicine is contraindicated for the elderly over sixty years of age.
It is cautioned for patients with gastrointestinal ulcers, as it may lead to bleeding.
Chlogril and pregnancy
The use of medicines during pregnancy should be avoided so as not to cause harm to the fetus.
It is allowed to take this medicine from the first month to the sixth month with extreme caution, but it is required that it be under medical supervision.
But it is not considered safe during pregnancy from the sixth month to the ninth month because it may lead to the occurrence of many problems for the fetus such as placenta abruption or the occurrence of birth defects for the fetus or even the death of the fetus.